The health benefits of basil essential oil involve its potential to cure nausea, motion illness, stomach upset, bowel problems, respiratory issues, diabetic issues as well as skin and hair problems.
The health benefits of basil oil are obtained due to the presence of different nutrients such as Vitamin K which is present in maximum proportion. Other nutrients in the oil are iron, calcium, vitamin A, soluble fiber, manganese, vitamin B6, magnesium, vitamin C and potassium. The oil contains zero calories. Water soluble flavonoids such as orientin and vicenin enhance the health benefits of basil oil.
In the Hindu religion, basil is sacred, and its leaves are chewed before religious ceremonies. Basil is also considered a form of protection in the Hindu religion, and it will often be worn to ward off evil while a Hindu sleeps.
Basil belongs to the family Labiatae. In the wild it grows in all Mediterranean countries. Cultivated in Egypt, Bulgaria, France, Italy, Hungary, South Africa. Basil essential oil is obtained from the top of the plant by distillation. Basil flavor oil has a tart flavor with a slight bitterness.
Effects & Actions of basil Oil
Effects of basil oil on internal organs and systems
- aphrodisiac
- tonic
- anti-inflammatory
- diuretic
- antiemetic
- antiseptic
- astringent
Usage of basil oil in cosmetology
- Eliminates warts.
- Helps strengthen and stimulate hair growth.
- Tones and smoothes the skin aging.
- Reduces inflammation of the sebaceous glands.
Impact of basil oil on psycho-emotional sphere
- Basil is one of the best means for toning the nervous system, strengthens and restores it.
- Uplifting, clarifies the mind.
- It soothes during an episode of hysteria and nervous disorders.
- It helps in the fight against alcoholism.
- It gives sharpness and clarity thoughts.
- Awakens sexual desire.
Domestic use: repels insects and eliminate the effects of their bites.
Impact of basil oil on human bio-energy field
- Restores the objectivity of self-esteem.
- Eliminates complex and exaggerated self-centeredness.
- It warms the energy body.
- It gives the pleasure of fine communication.
- It promotes the development of the sixth sense.
Usage of basil oil in cooking: dry and fresh as a seasoning for meat and vegetable dishes.
Benefits of Basil Oil for Health
Respiratory System: sinusitis, rhinitis, asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, viral influenza. It helps with difficulty breathing catarrh and cough. Restores the sharpness of smell.
Digestive System: eliminates stomach cramps, difficulty in digestion, flatulence. It has a slight choleretic action. It cleans the intestines.
It can reduce mental overload, headaches and migraines, as it stimulates brain activity. It sharpens memory and helps concentration, eliminates dizziness.
Basil oil is used as an analgesic for toothache. Treats ulcers in the mouth and gum disease.
Relieves acute allergy.
Essential oil of basil can become a substitute for estrogen and solve the problem of many women: scanty menses, hardened mammary glands, painful childbirth. It stimulates lactation in nursing women. Basil essential oil may increase the likelihood of conception.
Aromatic oil basil neutralize the poison from the bite of wasps and bees.
Contraindications in Usage of Basil Oil
- While basil has many wonderful healing properties, it can also be dangerous if used improperly.
- Unless used in very small quantities, basil oil will irritate most people’s skin, so the best way to use this oil is to dilute it in a carrier vegetable oil, or sweet almond oil.
- Before taking basil oil internally, you should consult a certified aromatherapist.
- While some aromatherapists say basil oil can increase a mother’s supply of breast milk, most medical practitioners recommend that pregnant and nursing women avoid basil essential oil (and essential oils in general) in most forms, other than for normal cooking.
- There are cases when the use of basil essential oil can lead to cardiac disorders.
- The oil should be used in 10% dilution. It should not be used by pregnant women and women who experience excessive menstrual bleeding. It might not be suitable for people with sensitive skin. People who suffer from liver ailments should also keep away from using the oil.
Blended well with: camphor, rosemary, juniper, lemon, eucalyptus, myrtle, lavender, bergamot, clary sage, lime, hyssop, sandalwood, neroli, marjoram, black pepper.