Dry skin needs special care as it is prone to premature appearance of wrinkles. If you feel none of commercial skin care products can help then herbal face wash will turn the situation to the better.
Dry skin is characterized by a lack of the appropriate amount of water in the most superficial layer of the skin, the epidermis. This skin condition is common for most people regardless of age and gender. Dryness of the skin is affected by the amount of water vapor in the surrounding air, the humidity. Dry skin is also known as xeroderma or xerosis. You might agree this problem is quite unpleasant and brings much discomfort. In addition to it, dry skin is prone to the appearance of premature wrinkles and fine lines.
Dry skin may be a mild, temporary condition lasting a few days to weeks. It may also become even worse.
Symptoms & Causes of Dry Skin
Determine the dry skin is easy: when pressed with your fingers on the surface for a long time tracks don’t disappear. There are other features:
- tightness
- invisible pores
- frequent irritation (redness)
- lack of elasticity
- cracking
For dry skin results in inhibition of sebum, which is triggered by a number of reasons. In some cases, such inefficient work of the sebaceous glands can be caused by hereditary predisposition. Dermatologists say that dry skin of young people is often indicated with a genetic feature, and in people over the age of maturity this skin problem occurs due to other internal or external factors.
Main external causes of dry skin
- dry air
- climate
- hot and cold water
- prolonged exposure to the sun
- frost
- improper care of the skin (corrosive cosmetics, frequent washing with soap and water, etc.)
Main internal causes of dry skin
- Dehydration (lack of water intake, digestive disorders, high temperature, etc.)
- hormonal malfunctions (diabetes, hypothyroidism, menopause, etc.)
- metabolic disease
- frequent stress
- long-term use of antibiotics
- hypovitaminosis (especially A and E)
- skin diseases (allergy, keratosis, eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, fungal infections, etc.)
- poor nutrition and grueling diet
- bad habits (smoking, excessive use of sweet tea and coffee, carbonated beverages)
- aging
Dry skin needs moisture, since the sebaceous glands do not produce enough sebum. Because of this, it is most susceptible to the formation of wrinkles. To maintain a youthful dry skin it needs moisturize, nourish and protect. This type of skin is sensitive and prone to various irritations and allergic reactions.
Here is a way out – try natural remedies to improve skin complexion! In this article I will talk about my own recipe of homemade face wash for dry skin, how to make it in 1-2-3 steps and benefits of organic ingredients.
Herbal Face Wash Recipe
You will need:
- Fresh Water – 50 ml
- Dried Calendula – 1 tablespoon
- Avocado Oil – 15 drops
- Geranium Essential Oil – 2 drops
- Rosewood Essential Oil – 2 drops
If you have oily skin, there is another variation of face wash recipe about which I wrote in the article: Oil Free Face Wash Recipe for Daily Use
How to Make Face Wash at Home?
Homemade natural face wash is based on calendula decoction. All you need to do is to buy dried calendula petals which are available at any drugstore at low price.
- First, you need to prepare calendula tea. Simply put 2 teaspoons of calendula petals in an infuser and pour with a cup of boiling water over it. Allow to steep for at least 10 minutes. The liquid should have yellow color – it means that it is ready for use and full of nutrients and elements.
- Let it cool down and add other ingredients one by one. Mix well until all components are dissolved. Your herbal face wash is ready! Apply it on clean face every morning and evening. Process is simple: soak a cotton pad in mixture and gently rub your face after washing it with plain water. Pat your face with a towel or let it dry naturally.
- Homemade face wash has a certain shelf life. Take into account that once you’ve prepared the mixture it cannot be used for very long time as it doesn’t contain preservatives. Store it in a fridge and shake it every time before using. Store it up to 7 days and then prepare a new one.
Ok, below you will find all healing properties of natural components for herbal face wash.
Calendula for Soft & Glowing Skin
Calendula helps soften the outer layer of the skin called the epidermis. Thus, it acts as an effective moisturizer for dry and chapped skin. Whether you have chronic or seasonal dry skin, regular use of calendula can help your skin stay moist and healthy. Basically, it is my favorite herb for dry skin as it make it soft and glowing from the inside.
Calendula gives wonderful results if it is used in hair care as well. You can read my special post:
Contraindications in usage of calendula
Calendula is generally safe for external use. However, not much is known about how it affects pregnancy and breastfeeding; therefore, it is best avoided during such times. Some persons may develop an allergic reaction to calendula – especially if they are also sensitive to other herbs of the Asteraceae family, such as daisy, chrysanthemum and ragweed.
Avocado Oil. Deep Moisture of Dry Skin
Dry skin is inevitable, especially during harsh winter times. But with avocado oil, you can prevent those early cracks and flakes by blending it with other oils to create a rich, moisturizing toner. It’s full-packed with oleic acid, allowing it to penetrate the skin much deeper. In other words, more moisture retained, less need to reapply.
Avocado oil is pretty thick and heavy. So it is truly perfect for moisturizing dry, damaged, chapped, sensitive and normal skin types. If you have oily skin though, you’d better use another oil (anyway, in this article I talk about natural remedy for dry skin only). If you are interested in natural face wash for oily skin – here is another post for you!
Avocado oil may be thick but your skin will absorb it very quickly. So it doesn’t leave any greasy layer on skin! And the oil can get deep into your epidermis. That’s why it’s used in so many commercial creams, lotions and moisturizers.
Why avocado oil is so beneficial for skin?
Avocado oil is widely used in skin care as it has wonderful chemical composition.
- Oleic acid has anti-inflammatory effects.
- Linoleic acid, beta-sitosterol and vitamin E are antioxidants.
- Linoleic acid is also antimicrobial.
- Unsaturated fatty acids increase collagen production and help skin to be stronger. This reduces the signs of aging and wrinkling.
- Unsaturated fatty acids are also active in the wound healing process.
- Mono- and poly-unsaturated fatty acids, beta-sitosterol, beta-carotene, lecithin, minerals, and vitamins all help to heal and repair skin.
So you can notice for yourself that avocado oil is an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-wrinkle, anti-aging, and antioxidant carrier oil with moisturizing and sunscreen properties. Adding even few drops of avocado oil into mixture will create antibacterical face wash recipe which will be a magic wand for those who suffer acne and pimples.
Essential oils play important role in skin care. You can hardly find any commercial skin care product which doesn’t include essential oil.
Top Essential Oils for Dry Skin Treatment
- geranium
- neroli
- jasmine
- patchouli
- orange
- rosewood tree
- wild carrot
- lavender
- ylang-ylang
- rose
- oregano
- dill
- rosemary
- sandalwood
- palmarosa
- chamomile
In this variety of essential oils I consider 2 of them the most suitable for dry skin – geranium and rosewood oil.
Geranium Essential Oil. Natural Alternative to Dry Skin
Geranium oil acts as a natural cleanser and hydrating agent. Either used directly or added to water, it can help you achieve a clear, glowing skin. This essential oil also serves as an anti-aging agent as it tightens muscle tissues, keeping the skin from premature sagging.
Geranium essential oil can actually balance sebum production which means it’s a great natural alternative for dry, oily, and combination skin — basically this flower has benefits for all skin types. The oil is well known as a natural cicatrisant, which means it heals scars and evens skin tone — that, and the fact that it can actually tighten skin makes it a true boss at making your skin soft and supple.
Rosewood Essential Oil to Soothe Dry Skin
Rosewood has great value for the skin as it helps with many skin problems including: acne, healing scars, adding moisture to the skin and adding life to dull complexions and reducing wrinkles.
Rosewood oil is soothing and balances the oils in your skin making it a good choice for all skin types including sensitive, dry and oily skin. It reduces the appearance of skin conditions and is especially beneficial for irritated or sensitive skin. Rosewood is cytophylactic, making it an excellent choice for fine lines and wrinkles because the properties of this oil help shed dead skin cells and promotes new cell growth.
These are secret ingredients for flawless skin. I tried this recipe many times and never regret to use it again and again. It is so simple and won’t take too much time.
After a week of regular application you will notice that your skin complexion is much better. As for me, I even can avoid wearing commercial skin toner to hide my imperfections. My skin looks fresh and taut with very little make up on it!