Japanese girls tend to be the most beautiful around the world. Since childhood they are taught to take care of their skin and hair in a right way. They manage to hold on to long and silky hair well into their later years. What is real their secret?
The key to proper skin and hair care is to stay as natural as possible especially with beauty products. Japanese women keep make up to the minimum and they avoid products using harsh chemicals and stick to natural ones as much as possible. Taking care of hair is very crucial for Japanese girls. Japanese hair secrets are minimalistic approach: they wash their hair not more than twice a week and instead of using commercial shampoos they apply seaweed powder mixed with water on their hair.
Why Seaweed is so Beneficial for Hair?
- Seaweed (particularly, laminaria) is well-known for its healing properties.
- Iodine and the acid contained in the brown seaweed, nourish hair over their entire length, provide them with necessary hydration thereby strengthening the roots.
- Green and red algae nourish strands with amino acids, calcium, iron and vitamins, whereby activate hair growth.
- Blue-green algae is enriched with proteins, selenium, beta-carotene and vitamin A. All these elements have positive affect on the hair growth and strengthening them, as well as provide protection from the harmful environmental effects.
- Brown seaweed can draw out toxins from deep skin layers, increase blood circulation, have antiseptic properties.
- Seaweed hair masks can be used for any hair type – for each of them there is a unique recipe with effective treatment.
Despite the large number of advantages, laminaria masks have several contraindications that shouldn’t be ignored:
- Allergy to iodine
- Thyroid disease
- Cancer tumors
To avoid many hair problems make hair masks with seaweed at home. Seaweed healing properties can solve the following problems like:
- Slow growth, hair loss or breakage.
- Severe damage caused by using of coloring chemicals.
- Dandruff and scalp itching.
- Excessive dryness.
- Dull hair, lack of luster and shine.
How to Apply Seaweed Hair Mask?
For the preparation of hair mask better use powder or dry seaweed bought in the pharmacy. Hair mask with seaweed can be applied upon dry or slightly damp hair. Leave the blend on hair for 1 hour (but not more). After all rinse you hair with lukewarm water. It is necessary to avoid using shampoo. For best absorption it is necessary to wear a shower cap and cover the head with a towel. Apply this hair mask with seaweed twice a week.
Here you can discover different formulas for seaweed mask recipes beneficial for hair.
DIY Seaweed Mask for Silky Hair
Basically, this is pure Japanese hair mask with seaweed. This mask normalizes sebum production, strengthens the hair follicles and makes them strong and shiny.
Pour dry seaweed with warm water and let it soak for 1 hour. Strain the liquid and rinse your hair with it. After that put a shower cap on and wrap your head with towel. Keep this mask on hair for 20 minutes. Wash your hair with lukewarm water.
Seaweed & Henna Hair Mask Recipe
Making hair mask with such organic ingredients is easy! All you need is a package of colorless henna and a handful of dry seaweed.
Just like in a previous recipe, pour dry seaweed with warm water and let it get soaked. Then add a package of colorless henna to this porridge-like liquid. Mix all ingredients well. Apply this hair mask on damp hair. Leave it on for 20 minutes and then rinse you hair well with warm water.
Seaweed & Burdock Oil in Hair Care
This natural mask is recommended for dry hair. It helps speed up hair growth and moisturize hair follicles.
In equal proportions mix burdock oil and wet seaweed (it should be poured with warm water beforehand). Spread the mask on scalp and entire hair length. Leave it on for 30 minutes and then wash it off with warm water.
Seaweed is not only perfect component for hair masks, but it is also widely used in preparing variety of natural hair cleansers. Learn unique recipe in special post: Seaweed Against Hair Loss. DIY Nori Shampoo for Hair Treatment
Japanese Camellia Oil to Moisture Hair
Another important stage of hair care for Japanese women is protecting the hair. Once the hair is cleaned, it is again susceptible to dirt and dust. If the hair is not properly protected, there can be drastic and unwanted effects these pollutants can do to the hair. It can make hair dry, frizzy and difficult to style. For Japanese women, moisture is the key. They usually use Camellia oil for conditioning the hair after cleansing it. It softens the hair ad even makes it more manageable. It also creates a protective coating against dust and dirt and even seals in moisture in the hair.
This particular hair care product contains omega-9, natural oils, omega-6 and a number of antioxidants. It could make the hair much less dull by restoring the moisture in the hair. It could also prevent the occurrence of split ends by conditioning the scalp. Furthermore, camellia oils can protect the hair from pollutants and other harmful elements in the surroundings.
The third important stage of hair care is grooming. Usually, Japanese women use Tsuge wood combs that are have polished teeth that glide through the hair. There is a long history behind Tsuge wood combs and they are used by almost all women in Japan since the earlier times. Tsuge Wood combs also have interesting benefits. Combing helps the prevention of tangles and even distributes oils and nutrients to the hair. The more manageable it is the better and healthier the hair would look. These Tsuge wood combs are handmade and do not create static in the hair like plastic and metal combs do.
Discussion10 Comments
I have an afro and want Japanese hair silk type where can I get that done
That’s impossible sweety, I mean naturally it’s impossible because your ancestors didn’t have a straight hair gene, afro people lived in dry and hot climates, which hair adapted to. That is why caucasian, asian tend to have straight hair because the climates was wet and cold which make hair grow straight.
As you know how afro hair texture is, it still be difficult to make it silky, you should accept what you have and are, and stop denying it. Afro hair is beautiful if you take care of it, don’t wash your hair too much, use coconut oil, eat healthy and don’t sleep too late, your hair will change and be beautiful ! )
The secret of japanese hair silkyness is because of the fact that they never washed their hair more than 1 in a month or in 2 months, so the sebum kept the hair moisturized which make their hair look so shiny when they wash it, they also used rice water, and their shampoo was made of natural herbs )
Actually theres a treament called a thermal reconditioning. It can be pricey but worth it look it up on YouTube for before and after results on real afro textured hair. I might get it myself but the thing is its 100% permanent so i have to do a loooot of thinking.
what is rose water
Flavored liquid made during the process of steeping rose petals in water is called rose water. Check this article https://naturehelps.me/body-care/diy-rose-water-face-methods-tips
Is seaweed shampoo ok for use?
Hey! Ladies,
Why is it that everyone is wanting to try different things on their hair? not all hair treatment is created equal you know.
If we women of Color want to have health hair and body drink plenty of water and keep our hair moist with water and a 1/2 tsp of a real good leave in hair conditioner and a small amount of oil your hair will be fine.
Use a spray bottle too spits hair, twice daily or when you feel your hair is dry. If you sprites it will put the moisture back in our hair also don’t comb your hair while it’s dry it will Pull and brakes the hair, that is why we have so much breakage and hair losses because we lack the moisture.
So if you keep it up your hair will be good to you, the thing is you have too be faithful at it or it won’t work.
Peace and love
Cerrina L
I need to lost weigth help plz
Great difficulties totally, you only . וילות בצפוןgot a whole new visitor. What exactly will you would suggest in regards to your post which you made a few days back? Just about any certain?
Wait i think the person who wrote this article is assuming stuff about japanese people. The japanese girls wash their hair EVERYDAY. In japan people find it disgusting and dirty if someone doensn’t wash their hair on a daily basis. Apart from that, they use a million products on their hair. I have lived in japan for almost 8 years now and never have i seen the seaweed mask for hair. True that their beauty products are not strong enough but they do use a lot of beauty products. Japan has 0 sales in dry shampoo because they wash their hair everyday.