Coffee Scrub Recipe for Smooth Skin


Coffee has been used for centuries as a natural cellulite fighting and skin firming ingredient. The caffeine enhances fat metabolism, and when it’s applied topically, it can absorb and remove liquid fat from your skin, which decreases the appearance of cellulite.

Coffee – the most common ingredient in household peelings. Its particles contribute to the process of exfoliation and stimulate blood circulation. In such a conventional seemingly product there is a huge potential. Particles of different meals can be mixed together, adjusting the degree of abrasiveness, add funds purchased or homemade cooking. Anyone can make coffee scrub depending on particular skin type.

How to Choose Coffee for Scrub?

This can be taken directly from packaging or you can use coffee grounds that have been used in your coffee machine. The caffeine in coffee, when directly applied to the skin, stimulates blood flow and circulation. This helps with cell regeneration. The ground coffee’s texture is an exfoliant which removes dead cells and loose skin, giving new skin cells an opportunity to receive proper moisture, in this case from the next ingredient.

  • Coffee grounds must be of natural ground coffee.
  • Coffee should be prepared without the cream, milk, sugar and other additives.
  • Coffee should be slightly pre-boil.
  • Make sure that the coffee is stored properly and has not expired shelf life.
  • Coffee grounds can be stored for 3-5 days, but it certainly should be stored in a dark, cool and dry place in a tightly sealed jar with a lid.

Ideally, your skin should be clean prior to applying the scrub for the best results. If you’re using coffee from your machine you’re all set on the first step. If you’re using coffee straight from the package, depending on how big the affected area is, pour an adequate amount into a small bowl or container and add enough warm water to moisten the coffee but not drown it.

Coffee Scrub Benefits

  • Caffeine speeds up the metabolic processes in cells, thereby splits fat.
  • Caffeine outputs the excess liquid from the cells, causing the skin surface becomes smooth, supple and elastic. Your skin will be more young-looking.
  • Coffee contains large amounts of natural antioxidants, which have a rejuvenating effect. Coffee scrub is perfect for women in the age in which the surface of the skin has lost its elasticity, and began to develop the processes of aging.
  • The systematic use of the coffee scrub – an ideal prevention of varicose veins. The regular use of coffee scrub makes blood vessels become stronger and more flexible, which significantly reduces the risk of developing this disease.
  • Caffeine is able to strengthen the effective influence of other substances, relieves swelling, or those that are designed for weight loss. The skin becomes more hydrated and soft. You will finally be able to forget all about the feeling of tightness of the skin.
  • Scrub coffee activates the production of enzymes that are responsible for cholesterol.
  • As a result of the strengthening of the protective layer of the skin – the skin becomes taut, and the contours of the face and neck more rounded.

Coffee Scrub for Cellulite. How it Works?

Cellulite forms in areas with the least circulation so it means that without activity, it’s very hard to budge. There are a lot of reasons why cellulite is said to appear on your body including hormonal reasons, poor diet and lifestyle choices, age and genetic predisposition.

Cellulite affects the vast majority of women. Many believe cellulite to be a fat problem that can be eliminated through diet and exercise. But as you may have learned through experience, you can lessen the appearance of cellulite by losing weight, but you can’t get rid of it completely. And crash diets can actually make it worse. Coffee scrub may become good remedy to treat this problem.

The caffeine and antioxidants in coffee are moderately effective to mitigate the appearance of cellulite in the short term. As a stimulant, the caffeine in coffee dilates blood vessels, which temporarily tones and tightens tissue. Plus it increases circulation and reduces water retention, both of which may also help smooth the rumpled look of cellulite. The antioxidants in coffee may help to release toxins, which is not only helpful for cellulite, but for healthy skin in general.

How to Apply Coffee Scrub

  • Better apply scrub while taking shower. While it’s heating up, be sure to tie your hair up so that it’s out of the way, and so that you won’t get any of coffee in your hair.
  • Prepare to get a little messy, but don’t worry, the coffee scrub washes right off your body and down the drain.
  • First, make your skin wet. Make sure every area you want to target gets wet. Then shut off the water, or just stand out of the way so the water is not hitting you.
  • Take a small handful of coffee scrub and apply it to your upper shoulders and chest area. Rub in circular motions, massaging the coffee scrub into your skin.
  • The chest and shoulders are the best place to start, as you can spread the coffee scrub down your body from here.
  • Once you’ve covered the upper half of your body, it’s time to move onto your legs, bottom, and feet. To target that cellulite, be sure to cover the back and sides of your legs, as well as your lower back and bottom. Massage the scrub deeply into your skin for several minutes in circular motions.
  • Finally, apply the scrub to your feet and massage it in to remove any dry or dead skin, especially on your heels.
  • When you’re fully coated in coffee scrub, wait 5-10 minutes to let it dry and for the caffeine to absorb into your skin.
  • When you massage your skin with a scrub, you help unclog pores and stimulate circulation, thus, allowing your skin to take all the benefits from your hydrating lotion. If you use a body scrub regularly, you can forget about unpleasant alligator skin on your legs forever!

Remember that the use of coffee drinks and their derivatives are not only useless, but sometimes it can harm your health and worsen the condition of your skin.

Homemade Coffee Scrub Recipes

Coffee & Oatmeal Scrub

Coffee grounds mixed with oatmeal and cream – the perfect remedy for cellulite. Mix 4 tablespoons of coffee with 2 tablespoons of oatmeal. This mixture is particularly appeal to those who have dry skin. The resulting anti-cellulite scrub can be applied on the body for 2-3 minutes, then wash off with cool water.

Coffee & Yogurt Scrub for Stretch Marks

In order to prepare this scrub you will need 4 tablespoons of yogurt and 4 tablespoons of coffee. The resulting anti-cellulite scrub should be applied to the problem areas of the body with massaging movements for 10 minutes. If you want add pleasant fragrance to your body, then add 3-4 drops of vanilla essential oil to your mixture. After all rinse skin with warm water.

Hot Coffee & Pepper Scrub

Coffee beans is more effective component of scrub than the coffee grounds. To prepare the hot scrub cellulite is necessary to take 100 grams of coffee beans (you can use coffee beans angered) to grind them into dust, and add 25 ml of tincture of red pepper. This tincture can be purchased in any drug store. The resulting mixture should be placed in a jar, close tightly and put it in a warm place for a week.

As for, I prefer to use homemade coffee scrub as it makes my skin wonderfully soft and glowing. In addition to it, I threw away all commercial scrub products because I consider them not natural at all. Have a try and you will see that homemade scrub has even more benefits than store bought variants! If you have your own recipes – feel free to share with me. I will be glad to hear from my readers!

Discussion2 Comments

  1. i use this mask regularly! I take used the morning’s coffee grounds mix in olive oil or a cream and blend into a paste. I also put in a bit of turmeric powder. In India turmeric is always used in face masks to make the skin glow and to prevent skin eruptions.

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