Bay essential oil possesses many healing properties known since ancient times. It is popular active component in most skin and hair products.
Bay – an evergreen tree with height from 5 to 10 meters with a thin trunk and whitish bark. The essential oil obtained from the leaves hit by steam distillation. For more oils with a high content of eugenol used distillation saline.
Bay laurel oil and bay oil (Pimenta racemosa) are sometimes confused for one another due to their similar common names. Though they share some broad aromatic similarities, both are very different oils.
Aromatically, bay camphorous and spicy notes marry nicely with its softer sweet, fruity/floral notes. In small doses, bay oil’s spicy scent is stimulating, but at larger doses, it produces a sedating effect.
Spiritually, in the Middle Ages the laurel or bay leaf tree was often planted in front of a house for protection, and to promote success. It symbolically represents victory and brings back memories of the Olympic Athletes and Ancient Romans who wore it as a wreath on the crown of their head.
Effects of bay oil on psycho-emotional sphere
From a psychological point of view, the aroma hit – light, balanced, warming carrying enlightenment and help to rise above life’s difficulties. In the emotional sphere Bay oil – one of the most powerful tonic essential oils, helps to eliminate not only the depressive symptoms, and rapid removal of the complex consequences of prolonged fatigue.
The aroma of this oil warms, relieves nervous shiver calms after unpleasant events, eliminates depression and despondency, helps to cope with the pain, loss and grief. Smell has healing influence of Bey help emotionally prepare for stressful events, increases stamina and determination.
Health Benefits of Bay Oil
Anti-inflammatory: Article “Antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory effect of the aqueous extract from leaves of Pimenta racemosa (Mirtaceae)” proved that bay essential oil had anti-inflammatory properties and provided participants with pain relief. Wounds should not be ignored, even if they look mild, more so when they are from iron objects, rusty or otherwise, or from dirty or unclean objects. Wounds are very much prone to Septic or Tetanus, which can result in severe convulsions, cramps, breathlessness, pain, hydrophobia, and even insanity. The antiseptic property of this oil protects wounds against such infections and inhibits bacterial growth, while helping to avoid those painful situations.
Antimicrobal: According to the study “Antimicrobial activity of essential oils and other plant extracts” bay oil possesses quite high level of antimicrobial activity.
Antibiotic: This oil is also known for its antibiotic properties. That means that it inhibits any sort of biotic growth (growth of microbes, bacteria, or fungi) in the body, effectively safeguarding you against those infections. There is one more advantage of using this oil as an antibiotic. It is completely safe and has no adverse side effects (unless used in very heavy doses), unlike those antibiotic medicines available on the market that heavily impact the liver, heart, and other internal organs.
Oil eliminates symptoms of vegetative vascular disorders, hypotension, asthenia. It has a cough, anti-inflammatory properties and helps to eliminate the painful nonproductive cough (bronchitis, tracheitis). It helps cope with colds and flu. Eliminates shivering from hypothermia and excitement warms. It stimulates the immune system, hemodynamics, metabolism, effective for anemia. Increases productivity of the digestive tract, it eliminates heaviness after eating, flatulence. It helps to reduce pain and inflammation in arthritis, arthritis, scoliosis, flat feet. Quickly removes the attacks of neuralgia.
Also effective for bacterial and viral dermatitis, fungal infections of the skin. It stimulates the slow process of approval (wounds, cuts, ulcers, inflammation). Used for aging skin, tones and refreshes, eliminating premature signs of aging.
Bay is an excellent natural antidepressant, well stabilizes blood pressure. Before the physical activity it helps to quickly warm up the muscles, and sometimes it is used to strengthen the ligament apparatus.
Bay oil normalizes blood pressure, if necessary, the oil is used for removal of colds, flu and bronchitis. At the same time, the oil is able to cope with arthritis, has a warming effect and eliminates trembling with excitement and hypothermia.
Usage of Bay Essential Oil in Cosmetology
Bay oil is widely used in hair care. Bay – a natural and effective remedy for hair growth. Due to the peculiar chemical composition, it has a pronounced firming properties. Regular use of oil helps to improve hair structure, to strengthen their roots in the short term, to stop the loss and enhance hair growth.
Getting on the scalp oil, bay oil stimulates blood circulation and ensures the flow of nutrients to the hair follicles. This leads to a general improvement and densification of hair. The roots become stronger, hair loss is reduced, new hair starts to grow. In addition, volatile substances contained in oil, prevent dandruff and other fungal skin diseases.
Please note that the use of oil for hair growth is possible only in small doses! Otherwise the situation will only become worse.
In skin care bay oil is also popular for its strong wound healing and tonic effect. Because of this, it can be used in creams and serums for problematic, oily and combination skin. It will also be appropriate in treatment of acne and acne scars.
Contraindications in usage of bay oil
- Persons who are constantly receiving anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents, should be very careful with bay oil.
- People with high blood pressure should avoid using bay oil.
- It has a local irritating action. Use with caution on sensitive skin.
- Used with caution on the damaged areas of skin and mucous membranes.
- Not recommended for pregnant women.
Blends well with: bergamot, cedarwood, eucalyptus, fennel, ginger, orange, patchouli, rosemary, ylang-ylang.
- Antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory effect of the aqueous extract from leaves of Pimenta racemosa var. ozua (Mirtaceae) (Journal of Ethnopharmacology ,Volume 91, Issue 1, March 2004)
- Antimicrobial activity of essential oils and other plant extracts (Journal of Applied Microbiology, Volume 86, Issue 6, June 1999)