Mankind May Lose Coffee


Organic coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world. Many people can’t imagine their morning without a cup of fresh and hot “happiness”. Scientists continue to discover new coffee properties that have not been previously known.

But… The changing climate of our planet threatens to destroy Arabica coffee beans, which make up 70% of the cultivated coffee in the world. However, loved by millions on Earth threatens not only drink the global warming, and pests and diseases. One of two things: either the coffee lovers have an urgent “re-learn” for tea, or mankind will find a way out of “coffee impasse”.

It will take years and a cup of coffee in the morning can turn from the usual routine in the expensive and rare treat. To such a disappointing conclusion come the British and Ethiopian researchers. If things continue in the same direction, then by 2080 Arabica will die. Another popular variety is robusta coffee beans, but it grows considerably less.

Researchers at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, and the staff of a conservation forum environment and coffee in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) study the negative impact of climate change on coffee plantations Arabica. This variety is the most dependent on the temperature changes and the most exposed to other risks, including disease and pests.

Under the most favorable scenario, by 2080 the volume of the cultivation of this variety decreased by 38%. In the worst case, humanity will lose 90% to 100% coffee beans one of the most popular varieties.

Researchers caution and says “only” about “high risk of extinction.” This bleak for the population of our planet News Published November 9, 2012 the scientific journal Plos One. This information grieve not only fans to start the day with a cup of fragrant drink, but the country is a producer of traditional coffee. Ethiopia, Brazil and Colombia have put in the season 2009/2010 coffee year totaling 15.4 billion US dollars.

Most of the coffee is made from Arabica beans varieties. Its prevalence, they owe their genetic diversity. This variety loves temperatures from +18 to +21 degrees Celsius. If the temperature is higher, the beans ripen quickly and start to play in the taste if it’s cold; they mature for a long time.

Among the reasons for changes in environmental conditions in Ethiopia and South Sudan scientists call the cutting out forests.

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