Since the earliest times, flax has been known to have healing properties. Flax is grown for its oil, used as a nutritional supplement, and as an ingredient in many wood-finishing products. Flax is also grown as an ornamental plant in gardens. Flax fibers are used to make linen.
Flowering period of flax takes place from late June to early July.
During flowering flax harvested flowers, leaves and the upper part of the stem. Completely removed from the fields of culture in mid-August to September.
Fully flax harvested only when ripe. Stems pulls out of the ground with the roots, dried, collected into bundles, and then threshed. Seeds collected in the storage period of full maturity and dried. For harvesting flax oil seeds harvested slightly immature. They squeeze out immediately after harvest. Collected during flowering flax flower petals, dried, spreading a thin layer in the dark room.
Chemical composition of Flax
The stems and leaves contain a large amount of flax phenol carbonic acids: p-coumarin, p-hydroxybenzoic, ferulic, chlorogenic, kofeilhinnuyu, as well as glycoside linamarin. Linseed contains protein, carbohydrate, mucilage, organic acids, sterols, linotsinamarin in an amount up to 12%. Additionally, the seed contains up to 48% fat, drying oil, which in turn comprises a substance such as linoleic glycerides (35-45%), linoleic (25-35%), oleic (15-20%), palmitic and stearic acids . Seed shells rich linokofein, linotsinamarin, glucoside linamarin and methyl p-hydroxy-p-methylglutaric acid, and as the omega-3 fat. As part of flax it is worth mentioning the content of B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6, B9), as well as vitamins C, E, K and PP. This complex vitamins (especially B group) is responsible for the metabolic and immune processes in the human body, and also affect the mental ability and mental state.
The applied part
Flax seed and oil extracted from it, the flour from the seeds, leaves, stems, and flower petals.
How to Use Flax
The most valuable parts of the used linen – it its seeds (lat. Semen Lini), which are collected in the period of full maturity and are used in folk and traditional medicine. Flax seed eaten raw, cooked broths, jellies, extracts, flour. To maintain the organism in healthy condition must constantly take whole seeds in an amount of 5 g per day. They can be added to any cold dishes. For therapeutic purposes, the dosage can be increased 10 times. The oil pressed from the seeds, is popular and apart from medical use, widely used in cosmetics and are often used in cooking as a salad dressings, salads, cereals. Apply the same leaves, stems and the flower petals. From the petals are made decoctions, infusions, tinctures, extracts, which are used only externally. Various herbal linen have different indications for use and various contraindications. Flax is able to impair the absorption of drugs. Heating or cooking of flax seeds breaks they contain omega-3 fatty acids and causes the formation of free radicals. Phytomedication linen should be stored in a refrigerator and protected from direct sunlight.
Treatment with drugs flax recommended after consultation with an experienced phytotherapeutist.
Fresh grass flax not used inside, as it has toxic properties!
Contraindications in Usage of Flax
Linseed oil seed meal are an excellent food supplement to enrich our diet. The therapeutic use of herbal remedies as flax has many contraindications. For all the seeming harmlessness, herbal linen are not intended for the treatment without consulting with an experienced phytotherapeutist. Phytomedication flax have different contraindications. Decoction, infusion and jelly from the seeds of flax has fewer contraindications than the seed itself and the oil from it. Before using herbal remedies flax, you must do a blood test for cholesterol and triglycerides, to exclude the presence of stones in the kidneys and bladder, as well as in the gallbladder. Treatment should start with a low dose, to prevent allergic reactions and individual intolerance.
At the use of seeds and flax seed meal it is recommended to increase the daily intake of water, due to the fact that the flax seeds in their raw form have choleretic effect, have a cleansing effect on the urinary system (output sand and stones) and have a strong fixing property. The use of therapeutic doses of flax seed or flax seed meal without adequate fluid intake may lead to ileus. In order to avoid poisoning of the body, the maximum daily dose should not exceed seeds ’50 RDA raw linseed oil or flax seed does not exceed 2 tablespoons for adults and 1 tablespoon – children. Treatment with drugs flax recommended rates, the average 3-month course with a break between them (to take 3 months, 1 month to rest). In turn, during the 3-month course also need to take breaks (2 weeks to take a week – a break). Long continuous reception of flax contraindicated.
Phytomedication flax strictly contraindicated in ileus stricture of the esophagus and gastroesophageal region, acute inflammatory diseases of the bowel, the esophagus, the area of the entrance to the stomach, with volvulus, hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver, inflammation of the cornea (keratitis), acute exacerbations of cholecystitis. Also, you should not be treated flax during pregnancy and lactation. Treat children under 12 years. Contraindicated in certain diseases of the thyroid gland.
The use of flax is not recommended for women suffering from endometriosis, fibromatosis, and various forms of cystic. This is determined by the fact that decoctions and infusions of flax are powerful antioxidants that have properties to slow the excretory processes, and unfavorable circumstances to accumulate unnecessary fluid. When diabetes is recommended to start treatment with flax seeds half the dose or replace jelly or broth.
Flax oil is no recommended in case of cholelithiasis, with pancreatitis, duodenal ulcer or stomach, with irritable bowel syndrome, patients with ulcerative colitis, diseases of the cardiovascular system when patients blood prevail triglycerides, but not cholesterol (under these diseases is recommended to use jelly or decoction of flax seeds). Take flax seed oil preferably with food, as it improves the absorption of oil.
Flax (Linen) in Cosmetology
In addition to the use in food for the prevention and treatment of many diseases and external use, linen is also used in cosmetics. Nutritious masks from flax help to smooth out the skin.
The most famous use of this plant to mankind – the manufacture of high-quality and eco-friendly textiles. Due to its fibrous, flax was used and in folk art – it is used to make various crafts such as dolls motanki. Linen clothing is very comfortable in the summer, as well breathable and absorbs sweat. Woven fabrics of flax are just as good, and in the winter, creating a layer between the skin and a warm woolen clothing that prevents the occurrence of allergic reactions.
Flax oil has a great industrial significance. Linseed oil varnish is prepared by a high-quality life, luxury paints, oil paints used in painting. Oil is used in the production of linoleum.
Linen cakes make a good feed for dairy cattle. Flax chaff obtained from crushed boxes, serves as food for pigs. Decoction of flaxseed are widely used in veterinary practice. Some varieties of wild flax steamed with honey and are arranged in the house to get rid of the flies.
Mode of application
In folk medicine used in the form of flax oil, decoction, infusion, jelly, flour, tinctures to cure such problems as:
- Diarrhea;
- Diseases of the kidneys and the bladder;
- Gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcers, enteritis, colitis, dysentery, hemorrhoids;
- Worm infestation;
- Problem skin;
- Increased cholesterol;
- Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract;
- Diabetes;
- Abrasions;
- Abscess;
- Dermatitis of various origins, including lichens;
- Some thyroid disease;
- Oncological diseases;
- Arthritis, sciatica.
How to Make Flax Porridge?
2 tablespoons of crushed flaxseed pour a cup of boiling water or boiling milk, beat well and let stand a few minutes. Before use, you can add salt to taste, sugar or honey. Porridge take for inflammation of the stomach and intestines.
2 teaspoon ground seeds pour with a glass of boiling water. Insist 15 minutes. For use with any mix dairy products.
Is Flax Flour Beneficial for Health?
Flax flour is shown for use in diseases such as:
- Gastric and duodenal ulcers;
- Inflammation of the airways;
- Gastritis, colitis, gastrointestinal disorders;
- Cystitis, pyelitis, violation of lipid metabolism;
- Parasitic infestation;
- Excess weight.
Before the use of flour is necessary to ensure there are no stones in the urinary tract and gallbladder. It is imperative to increase the amount of water consumed, as it promotes better bowel cleansing (helping prevent constipation), biliary and urinary tracts. If possible use a feeling of discomfort in the liver and kidneys (the process of purification). If you experience discomfort, it is recommended to increase the amount of water, reduce the dose or cancel the reception of meal preparation. Consultation doctor. Subject to the conditions and the exact dosage of the treatment quality cleanses the intestines of toxins, toxins, parasites, without disturbing its natural microflora.
The flour can be cooked at home, at a coffee grinder grinding whole flax seed, and you can use ready-made, but most importantly, we must make sure that the meal was fresh and store it should be in a dark cool place with a minimum of air. Manufacturers claim that the flour that they produce, low-fat, and so the treatment is easier tolerated. Treatment is best to start with a half dose.
The treatment is designed for 3 weeks. First week: 1 dessert spoon of flax flour (no slides) diluted with 100 ml of any fermented milk product and to take on an empty stomach in the morning instead of breakfast. Second week: 2 dessert spoons of flour (no slides) diluted with 100 ml of fermented milk product. Third week: 3 dessert spoons of flour (no slides) to 150 ml of fermented milk product. Repeat treatment is possible only after the break.
In addition to the treatment of flax seed flour can be used for prevention. It is enough to add 2 teaspoons of flour per serving daily. Also it can be used for baking and breading.
How to Make Linen Jelly?
Linen jelly can be made from flour or from flax seeds. Kissel great for digestion, does not cause a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, well absorbed by the body. Kissel easily tolerated by the body than the seed or oil, and has virtually no contraindications. Regular use of jelly perfectly cleanses the intestines, reduces the risk of cancer. Jelly should be consumed freshly. Jelly is used as a treatment and preventative tool, but increasingly being used as a tasty and useful dietary supplements. To improve the palatability may add honey, fruit, sugar.
The small amount of water diluted with 5 tablespoons of flax seed meal. Boil 1 liter of water. With constant stirring, pour in boiling water solution of flour. Bring to a boil and cool.
Boil any fruit-berry jelly, but so it has turned out not very thick. Remove from heat and while still warm jelly, add a little flax seed, mix well. While mass will cool down the seeds swell and form a homogeneous mass with kiselёm. This pudding (with seeds) are best taken before or instead of meals. He not only satisfy your hunger but will gradually get rid of excess weight.
2 tablespoons of flax seed to grind into flour. The resulting flour dissolve in 1 liter of water and bring to low heat to a boil, cool. The linen jelly can add honey, cinnamon, any fruit and berry jam, orange or lemon zest to taste.
Put 1 tablespoon of ground flax seed into a thermos and pour 1 cup of boiled water at night. In the morning, the resulting infusion is diluted with 1 cup of hot water and taken together with the seeds 3 times a day for a week.
1 teaspoon flax seed fill in 1/2 cup boiling water. Stir for 15 minutes, drain. Apply 3-4 times a day to 2 tablespoons before meals with youthful acne, when hormonal disorders, in violation of metabolic processes.
How to Make Flax Broth?
In 250 ml of boiling water, add 1 teaspoon of seeds and boil for 3 minutes more. Then remove from heat and infuse for an hour. Take 1 cup every 2 hours to cleanse the kidneys. If you experience any discomfort, it is recommended to reduce the dose, but do not stop taking. Treatment continued until the termination of discomfort, but not more than 10 days.
4 teaspoons of flax seed, pour 1 liter of water, bring to a boil and simmer on low heat for 15 minutes. The resulting broth, to insist, encased in 1 hour. Do not strain! Use 1/2 cup every two hours for two weeks at edema. To prevent the infusion used regularly for 1/2 cup 2 times a day – morning and evening.
1 tablespoon flax seeds pour 1.5 cups of water and simmer on low heat for 10-12 minutes. Strain, cool. The resulting broth apply to enemas at diarrheas.
2 teaspoons of flaxseed boil in 1.5 cups of water for 10 minutes, pour into a jar or bottle, cork tightly and shake for 5 minutes, drain. Take 1/2 cup of fasting as a gentle laxative.
2 tablespoons of flax seed to grind into flour. In an enamel saucepan, add the flour and grind slowly, stirring constantly, pour 500 ml of hot water. All mix thoroughly to remove all lumps. Simmer under the lid closed for 5 minutes. Without removing the cover, remove the saucepan from the heat and leave to cool broth. Decoction taken completely in the form of heat, 1 times a day, 30 minutes before breakfast with diabetes (even better if you take the broth together with chicory, which gently lowers the level of sugar in the blood). The course of treatment for 2 months. In order to prevent, it is recommended to drink a decoction 2-3 times a week consistently throughout the year. In chronic constipation, take a decoction should be placed with the seed. If you have problems with the intestines, broth better drain.
5 g of flax melkoizmelchёnnoy grass pour 200 ml of water, boil for 15 minutes, drain. Ingest a teaspoon 3-4 times a day by worms.
How to Make Flax Infusion?
- 1-3 teaspoons not pounded seeds pour 1.5 cups of boiling water, stir for 15 minutes, then drain, squeeze and take slimy infusion of 1 / 4-1 / 2 cup 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes before a meal within 2-3 weeks as enveloping, soothing inflammatory irritation and slight laxative.
- 1-3 teaspoons pounded seeds pour a glass of cold water, leave for 2-3 hours, stirring frequently. Strain and take 1 / 4-1 / 2 cup 3 times a day for the normalization of the bowel. In chronic constipation not infusion filter and take 1 cup of infusion with seeds of the evening before bedtime.
- 2 teaspoons of seeds chop and pour 1 cup boiling water. Eat 100-150 ml 2-3 times a day with intestinal atony.
- 2 tablespoons of seeds pour a glass of boiled water, 30 minutes and take 1 tablespoon 2 hours at worms, nausea, headaches and dizziness.
- 1 teaspoon of seeds pour 100 ml of boiling water and let stand 15 minutes, drain. Accept only freshly prepared infusion in the form of heat 3 times a day for 30 minutes before eating. Adults and children over 14 years: 1/4 cup, children from 12 to 14 years to 2 tablespoons for inflammation of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract. Children under 12 years of age is not recommended.
- 1 tablespoon flax grass pour 1 cup boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day as a diuretic.
- 2 tablespoons of seeds pour 250 ml of boiling water, cover and leave for 20 minutes. To take an infusion of 100-150 ml for 30 minutes before meals 2-3 times a day for the treatment of cough and chronic colitis.
Flax Seed Oil. Benefits & Uses
Depending on the raw material and production technology, the color may be different linseed oil (from yellow to greenish-yellow color with a brownish shade). Oil obtained from the seeds by cold pressing. Fresh flaxseed oil has a light pleasant smell and slightly bitter. Improper or prolonged storage of oil becomes bitter taste unpleasant. Flaxseed oil is easily oxidized, so you need to protect it from light and heat, it relates to a quick-drying oils, so it is easy to polymerize in the presence of air (“dry”). The maximum shelf life of the oil, at a temperature no higher than 10 degrees – 1 year. Keep oil should be refrigerated in a sealed container made of dark glass. After the discovery of oil, must be used within a month. Allowed phospholipid sediment. Oil can not be heat treated and added to the hot and cold ready-made meals.
Recent studies have shown that a daily moderate consumption (daily dose is 15-20 g or 1-2 tablespoons per day) of linseed oil in food snizhet the risk of stroke by 37% the risk of cancer, especially breast cancer by 17%. Very importantly, the use of this product for vegetarians and people in the diet, lack of fish as the content of fatty acids in linseed oil 2 times the fish oil.
In addition to internal use, linseed oil is used externally as a good healing wounds at different bandaging wounds (burns, abrasions, fractures), for the treatment of various skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema), in case of problems with the hair, and as a perfect cosmetic. Flaxseed oil is a light oil, it is well absorbed, with relieves irritation, softens, improves (rejuvenating) skin condition. Hair masks, using linseed oil, strengthen the hair, preventing cross-section of the hair, reduces inflammation of the scalp.
To achieve sustained therapeutic effect of linseed oil should be taken for a long time. Start receiving oil should always be with half a dose and increase gradually. Oil is indicated for use with such problems as:
- The lack of polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6;
- Metabolic and lipid metabolism, hormonal imbalance;
- Elevated cholesterol levels in the blood;
- Prevention of atherosclerosis, hypertension, coronary heart disease;
- The reduction in permeability of the cell membrane;
- Disorders of secreting cells (reduced bile formation and biliary excretion, and reduced formation of urine, gastric juice, pancreatic secretion, intestinal secretion, etc.);
- Chronic constipation;
- Violations of transmission of nerve impulses, dystonia, atrophy;
- Reduced mental capacity and memory;
- Preventing blood clots and blockage of blood vessels;
- Prevention of respiratory failure;
- Dermatitis and other skin diseases;
- Vitamin deficiency;
- Impotence;
- The poor condition of the hair and nails.