Hair mask recipes with brandy are known for their stimulating, local irritant effect that’s why this is the most popular treatment of hair loss. After applying hair mask with brandy, hair becomes very soft and silky.
Everybody knows about the benefits of brandy (or cognac) for the brightness of hair color and its volume. It is known that alcohol, part of cognac, able to improve blood circulation. It has stimulating, local irritant effect.
The hair mask with brandy is really helpful for all kind of hair types. It nourishes the hair, stimulating blood flow to the follicles, which leads to activation of their growth.
People, who suffering from hair loss (alopecia), can found described masks extremely helpful. It will really help to reduce balding process, slow down or stop it completely. But be careful, do not apply the hair mask with brandy more than once a week. Too much application will bring the reverse effect in case of skin burn.
You can even use cognac if your hair is dry. Many people think that such hair masks are bad idea, but do not worry, because if you add a little bit of other natural ingredients, something like almond oil or olive oil to the mask, so it will easy neutralize the strong action of brandy.
Generally, soft alcohol can be applied on oily and normal hair. Homemade hair mask with brandy will give a lot of pleasant sensations during the procedure, as well as helps to achieve the impressive results.
Make a homemade mask will not be difficult and will not take too much time. This is the simplest variant of hair mask. All you need to know is – a few simple rules for its preparation.
First of all, don’t hesitate to buy quite expensive brandy. Keep in your mind that one bottle will be more than enough for preparing hair masks with brandy regularly.
While making hair mask remember to warm up the brandy as it shouldn’t be cold.
Never apply plain brandy on hair and scalp as it can provoke skin irritation! Better mix it with additional ingredients. If you have sensitive skin – also avoid using hair mask with brandy.
Simple Recipe of Hair Mask with Brandy (or cognac)
You will need: 3 tablespoons of cognac, 2 tablespoons of honey, 2 tablespoons of olive oil (or any other oil of your own choice), 1 egg yolk.
Thoroughly dissolve the yolk in cognac until smooth, mix well the ingredients for about five minutes. Then just rub the mask into the roots of your hair, massage your scalp in a circular motions with the soft part of your fingers. Be careful and do not rub very hard the mixture, while it can damage hair. When you are done with this procedure, you have to spread the mask in a gentle way throughout hair length (though it is not so necessary to do). If your hair is long, you can use 2 yolks with the same amount of brandy.
Place a shower cap on (or just wrap your head with some foil or plastic), wrap your head with towel and leave the mask on for 20-30 minutes (during this time all ingredients will nourish and stimulate your hair).
After 30 minutes you have to wash hair with warm water and do not forget to use appropriate natural conditioner and natural shampoo, which will give you additional benefits for sure. Do not use too hot water, because the mask contains yolk and anyway, the really hot water is not very beneficial for your scalp and hair roots. These are simple thing which many women forget to apply in the correct way and the final result is not very pleasant for them.
And the last important thing in procedure is it should be taken regularly. Using hair mask with brandy will bring wonderful results – your hair will be much more shiny and silky and they will stay clean for quite long time.
Hair Mask with Fresh Coffee and Brandy
100 ml of freshly brewed coffee
2-3 tsp of a brandy
You can use 2-3 tbsp of oat flour or white clay as a base, but you can make without the base, so then to make sure that the amount of an applied mixture will be enough to wet the hair, but you should not overdo it, otherwise the mixture will flow down.
How to use hair mask with Brandy and Coffee: Mix all ingredients, apply on the hair – especially on the scalp. Wait for 1 hour, then rinse.
Cognac can completely dry the skin, however in the event that its combined with coffee all nutrients remain, yet alcohol will not affect the scalp. Cognac and its tannins, strengthens hair roots and enhances blood circulation, increase hair growth, and in addition assisting with a balding (alopecia).
Coffee and included in its composition elements like caffeine improve the tone of blood vessels, additionally enhancing blood circulation.
In general, this mask gives a gloss and a sparkle to the hair, and with the frequent use of such mask your hair will turn out to be detectably denser. You can likewise utilize cognac independently, putting it with a cotton wool on the scalp and leave overnight. Since alcohol dries the skin, this alternative is suitable just to owners of oily scalp
The best thing about such masks is that you can always change the quantity of the ingredients according to your needs and type of hair. If your hair is very oily and greasy, then you can add a little bit more brandy. If you have dry hair, then you can reduce the brandy in the mask and increase the oil. This action will make your dry hair soft again for sure. Those of you who have longer hair can double the ingredients in order to increase the great effect of the hair mask with brandy.
Tags: Hair Mask Alopecia, Hair Mask Brandy, Hair Mask Cognac, Hair Mask for Hair Loss with Cognac, Hair Mask for Hair Loss with Brandy, Mask Oily Hair with Brandy, Cognac for Alopecia, Brandy for Alopecia
Discussion2 Comments
I often use a similar mask on my hair, but I’ve never tried cognac.I really want to try your recipe now! I read that the Empress Elisabeth of Austria had the most beautiful legendary hair down to her feet, and she would wash her hair every two weeks with egg yolks and cognac. I absolutely love your blog, and am also very interested in homemade beauty products. Have you ever tried rinsing your hair after washing it with herbal tea or filtered water? You could also add a dash of apple cider vinegar. I found that this has added a lot of volume to my hair, and makes it really soft too! Thank you for sharing your wonderful tips!
Can we use sumthing else instead of oat flour?