Rosemary oil is effective remedy in hair care. It is the reason why producers of famous brand hair products include this oil as an active component. Instead of wasting time, there are simple ways to use rosemary essential oil for hair with more benefits.
It’s an open secret that regular use of rosemary oil helps stimulate follicles, making hair grow longer and faster. It is also believed that essential oil slows down premature hair loss and graying of the hair.
Rosemary – amazing plant that grows mainly in Africa. It has been used as a medicinal plant for centuries. Rosemary is a source of fragrant and useful essential oil, widely applied in medicine and cosmetology. It has healing properties and is able to solve various problems with the painful and impaired condition of the hair and scalp. Regular use of rosemary essential oil will restore the beauty of hair and make it grow healthier and stronger.
The principle of rosemary oil activity is based upon enhancement of hair follicle nourishment on the cellular level. As a result, hair roots become stronger and grow faster. Rosemary essential oil is a natural remedy for weak and damaged hair. Also, it helps avoid dandruff and itchy scalp. Regular usage of styling products, hair dryers and straighteners can lead to split ends. Hair becomes dull and brittle. But rosemary essential oil due to its moisturizing benefits restore weakened hair, remove dryness and make them shiny and soft.
Benefits of Rosemary Oil for Hair
- Rosemary oil has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It is a wonderful remedy for hair and scalp. Also, it possesses soothing, cleansing and stimulating effect when applied topically. Regular usage of rosemary oil makes hair shiny and soft. Also, it strengthens hair follicles and improves blood circulation in deeper skin layers on the scalp.
- Rosemary essential oil has a light, almost weightless texture: so it leaves hair clean and fresh without weighting down.
When used properly, oil doesn’t clog the pores like many other vegetable oils. - Individual intolerance of rosemary – is extremely rare, so its domestic use for cosmetic purposes is practically unlimited. Although the essential oil is hypoallergenic and non-toxic, it is not recommended for pregnant women, people suffering from epilepsy or high blood pressure.
- Rosemary oil for hair has complex and very comprehensive effect. It strengthens the hair roots and improves the nutrition of the scalp. It can restore damaged hair and even fix split ends.
- If you use rosemary essential oil for hair treatment regularly, you can achieve good results without store bought hair care products and other popular unnatural means. As a result you can get:
- Strengthens hair follicles. Natural prevention and treatment of hair loss.
- Enhances hair growth.
- Prevents dandruff.
- Moisturizes dry hair.
- Balances the activity of sebaceous glands leading to a marked improvement of the oily hair.
- Reduces split ends, improves structure of dry and damaged hair.
- Warming effect of rosemary essential oil activates many metabolic processes in the scalp at the cellular level which significantly improves hair condition.
- Powerful stimulant which gives hair fantastic gloss, strength, inexhaustible energy.
Most women achieve quite impressive results of hair growth in a relatively short period of time. However, to get amazing effect on hair you to know the rules how to use rosemary essential oil for hair.
Rosemary Essential Oil: Contraindications
- Rosemary oil is a fairly strong allergen. So if you are prone to allergies – be careful. In addition, the product contains a lot of active ingredients, which can cause irritation (some people’s reviews confirm this fact). If you have sensitive skin – better avoid using rosemary oil on the scalp. But in the case of doubt whether you have an allergy or not – dilute the essential oil with base oil and put one drop of liquid on the inner wrist and observe the skin reaction within few hours. If no changes and discomfort, then you can start the application of rosemary oil without any fear.
- Not recommended for pregnant women.
- Don’t apply hair mask with rosemary essential oil before bedtime because rosemary has tonic effect.
How to Apply Rosemary Oil on Hair?
- Use a small amount of rosemary (3-4 drops will be enough).
- You cannot apply rosemary essential oil directly to the scalp. Always dilute essential oil with base oil.
- You can use any base oil depending on particular hair type. For oily hair use jojoba or grapeseed oil. Castor and avocado oil will be suitable for dry hair type. Olive and almond oil are perfect for any hair type.
- Rosemary oil should be applied on clean, washed hair, so be sure to wash your hair before the procedure and lightly moisten strands. It will be easier to spread the mixture on clean hair.
- The most effective remedy is homemade masks which contribute to hair growth and prevent hair loss. For keeping therapeutic effect it is recommended to use rosemary essential oil in hair masks 1-2 times a week.
- In order to enhance the effect of rosemary masks on the roots and hair, put on a shower cap and wrap your head with towel. Keep head warm. This will help nutrients to penetrate deeper into the skin layers.
- If the hair mask with rosemary doesn’t include other aggressive substances (for example, mustard, cinnamon, cayenne pepper, ginger, etc), then keep the blend on the scalp for about 40-50 minutes.
- Rinse your hair with a mild vinegar solution or with herbal infusions. They are good for the treatment of scalp and improve hair condition. For that purpose you can use dried burdock, nettle, chamomile, mint, sage.
- The course of treatment with rosemary masks need to continue until a particular hair problem is solved.
Rosemary Treatment for Hair: Recipes & Benefits
Hair mask recipes with this powerful herb will make your hair soft and promote healthy growth as well. First, if you don’t want to spend much time preparing different hair masks you can simply use the mixture of carrier oil. It can be olive, sweet almond, cocoa, coconut, jojoba or avocado with few drops of rosemary oil. Adding other ingredients into hair solution will get more impressive results.
Simple Hair Mask with Rosemary Essential Oil
What You Need:
- 2 tablespoons of jojoba oil
- 3-4 drops of rosemary oil
How to Use:
Make this mixture a little warm and apply on hair roots with massaging movements. Scalp massage helps to stimulate and rejuvenate hair follicles by increasing the blood circulation. Adding rosemary essential oil to homemade masks doubles the effect.
Leave the mask on for about 30 minutes and wash it away with your favorite shampoo. This is the easiest and fastest way to nourish and moisturize hair. You can repeat this procedure twice a week to improve hair condition and to stimulate hair growth.
The second variant is more complicated and costs much time. You can add rosemary oil to any homemade mask you prepare at home. You can do it no matter you want to add some fragrance to hair mask or just double the effect of other ingredients. This stimulating, refreshing and calming oil will provide you with long and strong hair and prevent excessive hair loss.
Rosemary & Salt Scalp Treatment
What You Need:
Sea salt – 2 tablespoons
Rosemary essential oil – 5 drops
How to Use:
- Mix salt with essential oil.
- Gradually massage the mixture into your scalp using fingertips. You can do it on wet head avoiding the hair length. Salt may dry out hair and make the problem of split ends go worse.
- Afterward, you may wash your hair or leave the mixture on scalp for 5 minutes.
This hair mask recipe is a good treatment for dandruff and hair loss. Sea salt and rosemary stimulate the scalp and revitalize hair adding luster and volume. Application once a week will be enough to notice positive results.
If you like to use sea salt as scalp scrub you might be interested to learn even more! Here is my post: Salt Scrub for Scalp. Treatment and Fast Hair Growth
Rosemary & Coconut Oil for Hair Growth
What You Need:
- Coconut oil – 1 tablespoon
- Rosemary essential oil – 3 drops
- 1 egg yolk
How to Use:
- Combine all ingredients in a bowl mixing until you get a smooth paste.
- Apply the blend on damp hair starting from hair roots, spread the mixture over the whole length.
- Place a shower cap on and wrap head with a warm towel.
- Leave the mask on hair for 30 minutes and then wash it off with a mild shampoo.
Rosemary treatment with coconut oil is suitable for any hair type. It will nourish hair cuticles and smooth the structure making hair more manageable. Coconut oil is an excellent conditioner and helps in the regrowth of damaged hair. It also provides the essential proteins for damaged hair and softens the hair and conditions the scalp.
Rosemary Oil & Onion Hair Mask
What You Need:
- 1 onion
- rosemary essential oil – 3 drops
How to Use:
Chop one onion bulb into small pieces to get juice or grate it to make onion paste. Add essential oil and mix well. Rub the blend into the scalp with fingertips. Leave the blend on for 30 minutes. Wash your hair with organic shampoo. If you don’t like the onion odor – rinse hair with a lemon solution. Use 3 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice for each liter of clean water. Or you can add any essential oil you like.
Onion is the oldest remedy for hair growth. Regular application will help to reanimate dull hair and make them stronger. You can find the variety of hair mask with onion juice in special post: Onion Remedies for Hair Growth. Grandma’s Advice
Rosemary Dandruff Treatment
This is the easiest way to treat dandruff which doesn’t need too much time and effort. If you suffer from nasty flakes on shoulders and scalp itching, try this quick home remedy to reduce dandruff symptoms. Use rosemary rinse for hair. Since it is natural treatment, you don’t have to worry of spoiling your hair. Just add 4-5 drops of rosemary oil to water and rinse your hair with that solution after shampooing. After a month you should see the dandruff is much less. Try to repeat hair rinse if needed up to two times a week.
Rosemary & Castor Oil Mask for Dry Hair
What You Need:
- Castor oil – 2 tablespoons
- Burdock oil – 2 tablespoons
- Rosemary essential oil – 3 drops
How to Use:
- Warm up base oils a little. Add few drops of rosemary essential oil. Mix well.
- Apply the blend on hair roots. Put a shower cap on and leave the mask on for 40 minutes.
- Wash off with a mild shampoo.
- Rinse hair with herbal infusion if necessary.
Castor oil makes hair darker and stops premature graying. Girls with blonde hair should be careful using this oil. In combination with burdock oil, it lubricates the hair to lock in moisture. Remember that castor oil is highly concentrated. Due to its thick consistency, it can clog pores. That’s why always mix it with other oils to be beneficial.
Rosemary Oil & Honey Repair Hair Mask
What You Need:
- Raw honey – 2 tablespoons
- Burdock oil – 1 tablespoon
- Castor oil – 1 teaspoon
How to Use:
- Mix the ingredients. Apply the resulting mixture on the scalp.
- Cover head with a plastic bag.
- Leave the mask on for 30-40 minutes.
- Wash off with any organic shampoo.
- Let the hair dry naturally.
This mask recipe is suitable for weak and damaged hair.Honey is great for hair and can be used in a number of hair mask recipes to promote hair growth. It makes hair smooth and shiny adding more volume.
Rosemary & Burdock Oil Hair Mask for Dandruff
What You Need:
- Burdock oil – 2 tablespoons
- Almond oil – 1 teaspoon
- Rosemary essential oil – 3 drops
- Clary sage essential oil – 3 drops
How to Use:
- Warm up oils a little.
- Add few drops of rosemary essential oil. Mix well.
- Apply the blend on hair roots.
- Spread the remaining liquid over the hair length.
- Cover head with a plastic bag.
- Leave the mask on for one hour.
- Wash off with any organic shampoo.
In this recipe clary sage essential oil can help balance scalp oils. It makes homemade mask suitable for oily hair. Also, clary sage oil has some similar properties as rosemary due to its ability to increase cellular metabolism. Blended with almond oil it helps moisture scalp and stop hair loss.
Rosemary Oil & Egg for Hair Loss
What You Need:
- Burdock oil – 1 tablespoon
- 1 egg yolk
- Rosemary essential oil – 3 drops
- Geranium essential oil – 3 drops
How to Use:
- Mix base oil with egg yolk well. Add few drops of each essential oil.
- Stir the ingredients thoroughly.
- Apply the resulting mixture on the scalp.
- Rub gently into hair roots and spread over the hair length.
- Leave the mask on for 40 minutes.
- Wash off with any organic shampoo.
The balancing properties of geranium essential oil make it great for both dry and oily hair. Combined with egg yolk it will nourish the scalp and make hair shiny and soft.
Rosemary & Grapeseed Oil Mask for Hair Growth
What You Need:
- Grapeseed oil – 2 tablespoons
- Castor oil – 2 tablespoons
- Rosemary essential oil – 3 drops
- Lavender essential oil – 3 drops
- Ylang ylang essential oil – 2 drops
How to Use:
Warm up base oils a little. Add few drops of each essential oil. Mix well. Apply the resulting mask on the scalp and spread it over the hair length. Leave the mask on for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with an organic shampoo.
Besides wonderful scent, lavender oil is a good treatment for dandruff and itching. It helps to control hair breakage and improves hair growth. Grapeseed oil added to homemade masks helps to seal moisture, softens and thickens hair.
Rosemary Oil & Clay Hair Mask
What You Need:
- Clay (any type) – 1 teaspoon
- Raw honey – 1 teaspoon
- 1 egg yolk
- Mustard powder – 1 teaspoon
- Lemon juice – 1 teaspoon
- Jojoba oil – 1 teaspoon
How to Use:
- Dissolve clay powder in warm water till you get a thick paste. Don’t make it runny.
- Add other ingredients and mix well.
- Apply the resulting mixture on the scalp and dampen hair with it.
- Place a shower cap on and leave the mask on for one hour.
- Wash off with a mild shampoo.
- Rinse hair with herbal infusion if necessary.
Jojoba oil is beneficial in this recipe. It is the only oil which molecular structure is similar to human sebum in the scalp. It possesses anti-fungal properties so it helps cleanse scalp by unclogging pores. It removes dandruff and balances PH level.
Rosemary Oil & Lemon Hair Mask for Shiny Hair
What You Need:
- Burdock oil – 1 teaspoon
- Castor oil – 1 teaspoon
- Lemon juice – 2 teaspoons
- Rosemary essential oil – 3 drops
How to Use:
- Make base oils a little warm. Add few drops of essential oil. Mix well.
- Apply the blend on the scalp and spread the remaining mixture on the hair.
- Put a shower cap on and leave the mask on for 40 minutes.
- Wash off with a mild shampoo.
- Rinse hair with the herbal infusion.
Blending lemon essential oil with castor oil will help grow hair faster. The essential fats and vitamins in burdock oil nourish hair from the root to shaft whereas rosemary oil helps to develop longer, thicker and stronger hair.
Rosemary Oil & Brandy Mask for Hair Loss
What You Need:
- Onion juice – 1 tablespoon
- Lemon juice – 1 teaspoon
- Brandy – 1 tablespoon
- Raw honey – 1 tablespoon
- Rosemary essential oil – 3 drops
How to Use:
- Prepare onion juice. Grate one onion bulb and squeeze the juice using cheese cloths.
- Stir all ingredients thoroughly.
- Apply the mixture on the scalp with massaging movements. The blend can be runny, so make sure it won’t flow into your eyes. If it did, rinse eyes with water.
- Cover head with a plastic bag.
- Leave the mask on for 40 minutes.
- Use any organic shampoo to wash off the mask.
Combination of brandy and onion juice is a very effective remedy for treating hair loss. Also, this hair mask is ideal for people who are suffering from hair loss. It makes your hair shiny and smooth.
Rosemary & Almond Oil Hair Mask
What You Need:
- Almond oil – 2 tablespoons
- Rosemary essential oil – 3 drops
- Tea tree essential oil – 3 drops
- Lemon essential oil – 3 drops
- Peppermint essential oil – 3 drops
How to Use:
- Warm up the almond oil a little. Add few drops of each essential oil. Mix well.
- Apply the blend on the scalp and hair.
- Leave the mask on for one hour.
- Wash off with any shampoo you like.
- Rinse your hair with the herbal infusion.
Almond oil in combination with other ingredients helps soothe and provide nutrients to damaged hair follicles. It regulates good blood flow in the scalp to promote faster hair growth. Almond oil includes magnesium which helps reduce hair loss.
Rosemary & Wheat Germ Oil Mask Recipe
What You Need:
- Almond oil – 1 tablespoon
- Jojoba oil – 1 teaspoon
- Wheat germ oil – 1 teaspoon
- Rosemary essential oil – 3 drops
- Ylang ylang essential oil – 2 drops
How to Use:
- Warm up base oils a little.
- Add few drops of essential oils. Mix well.
- Apply the blend on the scalp and spread over hair length.
- Leave the mask on for 30 minutes.
- Wash off with any organic shampoo.
- Let your hair dry naturally.
- Repeat the procedure 1-2 times a week.
Regular usage of wheat germ oil in hair mask a few times a week helps keep hair soft and supple. Oil has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which make it the perfect remedy for itchy and irritated scalp.
Rosemary & Flaxseed Oil Hair Mask
What You Need:
- Mustard oil – 1 teaspoon
- Olive oil – 1 teaspoon
- Flaxseed oil – 1 teaspoon
- Rosemary essential oil – 3 drops
- Orange essential oil – 3 drops
How to Use:
Warm up base oils a little. Add essential oils and mix well. Apply the resulting blend on the scalp with massaging movements. Leave the mask on for 40 minutes. Wash off with any organic shampoo. Rinse hair with herbal infusion if necessary.
Grape seed oil has a light texture. It keeps the hair moisturized enough and shiny. Regular usage of this oil in hair masks promote healthy hair growth and prevents thinning.
Rosemary & Shea Butter Mask for Damaged Hair
What You Need:
- Shea butter – 3 teaspoons
- Coconut oil – 2 teaspoons
- Rosemary essential oil – 3 drops
- Ylang ylang essential oil – 3 drops
How to Use:
- Warm up the base oils a little. Add essential oils and mix well.
- Apply the blend on the scalp and spread over your hair.
- Cover your head with a plastic bag.
- Leave the mask on for 40 minutes.
- Wash off with any organic shampoo.
Shea butter and coconut oil help prevent protein loss from hair because they are similar in structure to hair protein keratin. Oils go deep into each hair strand and keep them moisturized and hydrated.
Rosemary & Sesame Oil Mask for Itchy Scalp
What You Need:
- Pumpkin oil – 2 tablespoons
- Sesame oil – 2 tablespoons
- Rosemary essential oil – 3-4 drops
How to Use:
- Warm up base oils a little.
- Add few drops of essential oil and mix well.
- Apply the resulting mixture on the scalp.
- Spread the remaining liquid on the hair length.
- Put a shower cap on and leave the mask on for 30 minutes.
- Wash off with any organic shampoo.
The blend of pumpkin and sesame oils has a positive result on damaged and dry hair. Also, their properties help prevent itchy scalp, remove dandruff and reduce split ends.
Rosemary Oil for Hair Growth Reviews
I like essential oils and wanted to find such one that will help in hair growth and reduce split ends. So I decided to try rosemary oil. I added few drops to my shampoo, conditioner, jojoba and olive oil and I have seen lots of improvement in my hair. It is visibly softer and I have noticed less hair on my comb whenever I comb my hair. Also, I add few drops of rosemary oil to homemade hair masks. Seems, it is the best oil which suits my hair type. In addition, I love the smell of the rosemary oil on my hair. It mixes well with lavender oil as well.
I am new to essential oils and didn’t think that they are sued in hair care. I suffered from hair loss for years and one of my friends advised me to try rosemary essential oil. I bought this for my hair and I absolutely love it. I mix it in with grapeseed oil and massage it into my scalp about twice a week. It has a very strong smell but I don’t mind it. After a few months I did notice faster hair growth. I will definitely recommend it to my friends.
Patricia Lee
I have been using this oil in combination with other ingredients for about three months now and my hair has grown so much! The smell is very strong, but I really like it. I mixed it in my shampoo and conditioner. Also, I use it after I get out of the shower while my hair is still wet. When I put it in my hair after I shower, I mix some of this rosemary oil with 1 teaspoon of macadamia oil and run my hands through my hair. It has worked great for me!
Rita Manami
I am very happy with this oil. I like to add it to my natural masks for healthy hair. I have been noticing strands of hair more often in the shower before and read rosemary oil treatment may help with hair loss. I used it just for several weeks already and I do see less strands of hair in the shower.This can be used for many things just be careful not to get this in your eyes,it has a strong scent at first.
I combine rosemary oil with jojoba oil or argan oil and concentrate mostly on my scalp and ends. It smells very good and never makes my hair feel greasy or limp. It does a great job of controlling hair loss. And my hair looks healthy and shiny. I repeat this procedure twice a week and already see the results. I have less hair on my comb!
Cleo Riss
Rosemary oil is one of my favorite ones. I put it into grapeseed oil, olive oil or a mix of the two oils for a hair treat before shampooing. As a weekend thing, I’ll saturate my hair and scalp and leave in for an hour. Every morning a put few drops on the top of my curly hair with my comb where it tends to be frizzy and then massage into my scalp. My scalp feels cleaner and I never get dandruff. I don’t know if this makes my hair grow faster, because I just haven’t been paying attention, but now I will!
Chanthou Yun
I use rosemary essential oil mixed with olive oil as a scalp massage. I’ve been suffering dandruff for a long time. Since I started using rosemary oil mask for hair, dandruff and hair reduced significantly. My recipe is the following:
Mix one teaspoon of the rosemary essential oil with a tablespoon of carrier oil (olive, almond, macadamia). Then apply it to the scalp before shampooing. Then put on a towel on your head and leave for an hour, or two, or overnight! Then wash your hair. I’ve found it much more effective than any commercial shampoo I’ve used (and I’ve tried a lot, in my time!). Additionally, my hair looks healthy and shiny.
I love using rosemary essential oil on my scalp and ends to repair damage and encourage faster hair growth. I’ve been using it for two months already and noticed certain results. Usually, my hair grows at 1/4 inch per month but it has grown an inch in the past two. I prepare homemade hair mask in the following way: 3 drops of rosemary essential oil into two tablespoons of argan oil. Mix well and massage it gently into the scalp. Leave the blend on hair for 40 minutes (possible up to one hour) and wash off with any shampoo. Repeat this procedure twice a week. I like this recipe, it’s working for me!
This oil is great. I use it in most homemade recipes for hair and I feel like it has helped. I also mix it with jojoba oil because the smell is a little strong. But after i wash my hair it feels very soft and the smell doesn’t remain in my hair. This product is great! I already noticed faster hair growth!