Beautiful hair has always been the pride and ornament of women. It is even reflected in the folklore of many countries. Irish women are well-known for their luxurious red hair.
One of the traditional Irish beauty recipes – a seaweed mask for damaged hair. Most women in Ireland use this recipe to make their hair shiny and smooth.
Seaweed is widely used in facials, as it is an unprecedented product in cosmetology: With rich chemical composition, seaweed is perfectly perceived by whole body (as the internal use and skin, hair), which facilitates the rapid, profound, and effective penetration absorption of useful components of seaweed. You can learn more about seaweed face masks recipes, if you got interested!
Why does hair fall out? One of the most common causes of hair loss in our time is the stress arising from the physical and mental overload, chronic lack of sleep, nervous shock. All these factors cause a sudden stop hair growth. This is due to the fact that when the tension stress affects blood vessels, thus blood flow to hair roots is reduced. Unfortunately, stress hair loss – is very widespread problem that most women face. Another common cause for hair loss – the lack of nutrients (fats, minerals and vitamins). Seaweed hair masks help solve the problem stress hair loss in several ways:
Due to the small particles of seaweed while applying it on scalp you gently massage it – in such a way seaweed stimulates blood circulation while exfoliating particles remove dead skin cells from the scalp and hair follicles of dead skin.
Active components of seaweed nourish the scalp and strengthen the hair from its very bulbs to prevent hair loss.
Why does hair become dull and brittle? The main reason for split ends is overdrying (bad weather, hair coloring, using hair dryer), the loss of natural lubrication and moisture. Seaweed components have the ability to absorb and trap water into skin for a long time. Moreover, the active ingredients like seaweed, “envelop” hair and restore it – and this is not only an additional protective layer, but also gives hair the extra shine and volume.
Why Seaweed Masks are so Beneficial for Hair?
- Provide massage and exfoliation of the scalp, which improves blood circulation and metabolism in the skin layers, stimulating hair growth. It strengthens the roots and can prevent hair loss.
- Improve structure of the hair (especially damaged), giving them shine, elasticity, softness and volume.
- Contributes to the normal secretion of the sebaceous glands.
- Promote healing of wounds on the scalp.
How to Make Hair Mask with Seaweed?
Pour 1 tablespoon of seaweed with hot water and leave it for 1 hour to infuse. Wash your hair and apply this mask on damp hair. Put a shower cap on and let the mask work for 20-30 minutes.
Rinse your hair with warm water. If you don’t like the smell of seaweed, prepare herbal infusion (chamomile or nettle) and rinse your hair with this liquid.
Seaweed is perfectly combined with all our favorite cosmetic ingredients, enhancing and complementing their effect. So in order to take care of damaged hair it will be useful look up the following combinations:
- Seaweed + Henna (diluted at a ratio of 50:50 of the final product)
- Seaweed+ Clay (diluted in a ratio of 50:50 of the final product)
- Seaweed+ Burdock oil (added 3-4 teaspoons of burdock oil to seaweed liquid)
- Seaweed+ Essential oil (2-3 drops added to seaweed liquid)