Using Oregano Oil to Improve Health. Recipes & Benefits


Oregano is native Mediterranean plant. It is considered to be one of the world’s most healing plants. Its oil is the most valuable thing, which is obtained from wild species of oregano by special distillation process to preserve all curative properties.

There are over 40 species of oregano. The most commonly used in culinary is Origanum Vulgare. However, the most healing specie is Minutiflorum Origanum oil, which contains up to 90% of the active healing ingredient called carvacrol.

The ancient Greeks applied oregano oil for treating wounds, snake bites and illnesses of the respiratory tract. In the Middle Ages it became popular in Europe where it was used to treat infections.

Why Oregano Oil is so Beneficial?

Carvacrol contained in oregano oil has strong antibacterial properties.

Some research proved that oregano oil is effective against most bacteria that cause infections of the large intestine and the urinary tract, typhoid fever, cholera, ulcers and skin infections.

Besides killing bacteria, oregano oil has strong antiviral activity and effectively protects against flu, colds, chicken pox, mumps and measles.

It is a fact that can stop the disease when just symptoms occur.

Oregano Oil Effectively Kills Bacteria and Fungi

Among the 52 tested plants, only oregano oil had effect on Candida albicans, E-coli, Salmonella and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Pseudomonas is a type of bacteria which is particularly difficult to treat, because some types are immune to antibiotics.

Oregano oil works on many types of bacteria, viruses and fungi that change shapes and complicate treatment. Aggressive antifungal properties of oregano oil prevent candidiasis, the fungal nails and scalp and athlete’s foot.

In order to treat candidiasis it is recommended to drink oregano oil. if you want to get rid of fungus on the nails you’d better apply oregano oil locally. In the case of fungus on the scalp that causes dandruff it is adviced to add a few drops of oregano oil in the shampoo.

Oregano Oil to Treat Cancer

Oregano oil could become part of a therapy for treatment of cancer. Researchers tested carvacrol effect on prostate cancer cells. It turned out that carvacrol causes a condition called “apoptosis” – the self-destruction of cancer cells. Apoptosis is one of the ways in which the body resolves nonfunctional or malignant cells, such as those found in tumors.

Oregano Oil to Prevent Allergy

Oregano oil contains rosmarinic acid, which is a powerful antihistamine and a more powerful antioxidant than vitamin E. Rosmarinic acid is usually used in the treatment of allergic reactions, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis and gingivitis. Even just inhaling oregano oil helps with allergies.

Oregano Oil to Prevent Aging

The antioxidant properties of oregano oil are beneficial for long-term preservation of health. It protects against free radicals and repair already occurred cell damage. Antioxidants slow down aging, protect against cancer, prevent macular degeneration, vision and hearing loss, nervous disorders and many other diseases associated with free radicals.

Home Treatment for Bites with Oregano Oil

Oregano oil has the power to neutralize the poisonous bites like bee, snake and spider. This makes it an invaluable first aid in such situations. It is also useful for preventing infection, reducing the inflammation and pain of the bite wounds and animal bites.

Oregano Oil to Reduce Muscle Pain

Oregano oil is a good ally of physically active person, because it facilitates cramps and muscle pain, promotes healing of injuries, sprains, tendinitis. Its anti-inflammatory properties and also make it a powerful drug for arthritis.

Healing Benefits of Oregano Oil

  • Protects against viruses, fungi and bacteria
  • Helps with psoriasis, eczema and dermatitis
  • Slows the aging process
  • Protects against several cancers
  • Helps with excessive sweating and bad breath
  • Repells parasites
  • Helps with sore muscles, tendons, joints
  • Prevents infection
  • Used as a first aid for snake and insect bites

How to Apply Oregano Oil?

Recommended dose is one to four drops, three times a day (maximum of 12 drops per day, never in a single dose). It has a strong flavor, so be sure to dilute it in a base oil, juice or tea. Do not apply oil to intimate areas! Wild oregano oil can be used by children aged six years and older.

NOTE: Oregano oil has to be produced from wild oregano, with a high percentage of carvacrol above 70 %. Oil with synthetic carvacrol can be poisonous! Buy only natural oregano oil from trusted manufacturers.

Of all the types of oregano three types are the most healing: Origanum vulgare, Origanum onites and Origanum Minutiflorum. Origanum vulgare and Origanum onites contain 30-60 % carvacrol , while Origanum Minutiflorum contains even 80-90 %. Due to the high content of carvacrol real healing oregano oil is made from Origanum Minutiflorum.

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